Is there such a thing as an ideal nutrition plan?


Which one is right for me?
The answer: any of them…..for a time.
Nutrition is the foundation of wellness on the simple aspect that input leads to output. What you put in, is what you get OUT…so don’t be fake, cheap or toxic!

Your body thrives on WHOLE FOOD, aka single ingredient, non-packaged or processed foods. The minute you begin adding ingredients and packaging, you immediately begin increasing the toxic accumulation possible through such processing.

However it IS true that during elimination style diets, people report how they feel SO much better! Light, more energy, weight comes off, brain is clear, digestion is pain free & mood is thriving. Truth is, your body and especially your digestive system was DESIGNED to be highly adaptive. This adaptivity lends itself to

The KEY eliminations that can help you thrive for LIFE are…..

The two most critcal tools of health are your knife & fork.


    One of the most ancient forms of restoration of the human body is the simplest. No massive program to buy into, no complicated plan to follow. Instead, give your body a blissful staycation. We don’t often give credit to how much energy it takes to digest. Our modern lifestyle activates digestion more times in a day than we are technically designed for. Let’s explore human design, ancient arts, and what happens when you truly FREE your body for hours or days, and the heroic response of your cells in the process.


    Variety is the spice of life! Learning how and when to prioritize key nutrients and what foods to source from is everything! Learn how to prioritize your wellness through nutrient rich foods in a rainbow of color!

  • GROW

    Did you know that without even a square inch of garden space, you can grow some of the most potent and vibrant healing foods! One of the biggest flaws in our food system is DEAD FOOD. Learn how to bring food to life again in the simples ways right from your countertops!