Enzymes: Ignite nature’s gentle detox

Imagine you are out it the woods, camping; its late, darkness and cold are descending, and you set out to build a fire. Gathering rocks for the ring, big chunky pieces of wood assembled just perfectly, and tinder to ignite quickly. And then you wait. And keep waiting. You have all the ingredients...why is the fire not starting? Well HELLO....nothing has IGNITED that fire and set off the reaction of sparks to light & turn tinder and wood into a that warming flame! If you waited for lighting to strike...you would have long since died of hypothermia, right? There needs to be a CATALYST...a force that sets in motion the reaction that will spark fire and turn that fire into life-saving warmth.

In your body, a similar scenario can play out. Our body is literally working through endless thousands of conversions & processes at any given minute around the clock...imagine it stacking wood for perfect fires head to toe. Your body relies on ENZYMES as the IGNITERS for nearly EVERY single process. Enzymes function as catalysts in almost all cellular functions and chemical reactions throughout the body. Enzymes play a critical role in growth, healing, and reproduction. They are also necessary for breathing, thinking, immune function, hormone regulation, detoxification, and thousands of other biochemical functions. Enzymes are also necessary for digesting food nutrients and converting nutrients to energy in cells.

Our body produces Metabolic Enzymes internally. We use metabolic enzymes to keep our blood, tissues, and organs healthy. They produce new cells and repair existing cells.

When we eat food, digestive enzymes extract vitamins, nutrients, and minerals from that food. Then, our metabolic enzymes take those vitamins, nutrients, and minerals exactly where they need to go.

Enzymes are also cleansing powerhouses, removing toxins from the body. They remove old and dead material from the cells, digestive tract, intestinal & colon tissues, which helps every cell in our body function more efficiently.

The Three Main Jobs of Enzymes

1) Flush toxins from the body
2) Assist in energy production
3) Help every organ function correctly

The vast majority of digestive enzymes are produced in your pancreas.  Your salivary glands, stomach and small intestine also secrete some, too. In addition to producing enzymes, the pancreas produces insulin and glucagon – two hormones which work together to regulate blood sugar throughout the body. When our body has a normal blood sugar level, it means nutrients and oxygen can travel efficiently throughout the body.

Without adequate enzyme intake (primarily from raw foods like vegetables & fruits), we could literally starve while still eating...crashing from lack of nutrient intake without the enzymic conversion of food nutrients into energy for our cells.

The body’s ability to constantly produce metabolic and digestive enzymes is limited by raw material availability and production capacity. If our diets do not include sufficient food enzymes to break down the food we eat, our body’s endogenous enzyme resources must be directed toward the production of digestive enzymes to speed conversion of food to bioavailable nutrients. Production capacity directed toward the production of digestive enzymes is capacity not available for the production of important metabolic enzymes.

Lack of enzymes in our modern diet has led to a host of health issues for the vast majority of our population. Digestive upset with meals, chronic digestive dis-eases, sinus issues, headaches, bloating and gut imbalance, immune issues, migratory pain, organ toxicity are all correlated to inadequate enzymes. With processed foods dominating our culture, and farm to table taking WEEKS, thus depleting the naturally occurring enzymic action of produce, its no wonder that we are no longer getting what is needed from our meals! THUS enters the hero….Terrazyme!

With such highly processed foods in our supply chain, as well as long durations between farm to table (enzyme action depletes at a constant rate once plants are harvested), we end up LOW & SLOW....running our bodies off of inadequate enzymes. Without adequate enzymes, our bodies are building little fires all over to keep us alive, and yet don't have the correct ability to spark that fire.

Of course, we wouldn't be writing this without the ULTIMATE solution available! Arguably one of doTERRA's most IMPORTANT and at the very least, most influential products is the powerful proprietary 10-enzyme blend we know and love as TERRAZYME!

Don't let this simple white bottle of capsules fool you.....these are POWERHOUSES for reclaiming balance and abundance in your wellness journey.
The best thing about enzymes is- the body can STORE them. This means that over-taking them is virtually impossible, and it allows us to increase effectiveness by using them in certain methods to increase certain functions.

Boyd Truman, creator of Symphony of Cells, teaches on the importance of Terrazyme for ANY major need in the body. Be it a reduction in pain, inflammation, immune response, respiratory support, cellular function or digestive action. To effectively bio-hack with Terrazyme.....MORE is key! Increase your dose, and take on an empty stomach!
Taking 3-6 in a serving can help address needs across the board, and can give you a leg up on catalytic action that the body has been slowed down in being able to address.

We use Terrazyme especially during....

  • times of seasonal congestion along with Tri-Ease

  • pain related to inflammatory response or immune system dysfunction, or bone issues/calcium deposits
    digestive maintenance & support

  • to INCREASE nutritive function of foods (can be added to liquified foods for people on feeding tubes or liquid diets to improve nutritive absorption)

  • for immune response especially acute like dental or skin conditions

  • to promote detox work and improve organ function

    Ultimately, at this point, are you hesitating for even one more second about whether Terrazyme belongs in your DAILY arsenal? I literally START my day with 2 Terrazyme and a glass of warm lemon oil in water, and then let that go to work in my body at least 30 minutes before anything else. We will also bring it in as a big gun when dealing with higher levels of ACUTE support as needed. Some of the most radical transformation stories among my clientele incorporate Terrazyme into their transformation protocol as a KEY catalytic powerhouse!


Only TWO things ever go wrong: